Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

This is why the IGA will never be renegotiated nor thrown out all together. Either these two don't have a clue or they are part of the problem by having some sort of involvement with the corruption.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Do as I say, not as I do.

Oh dear! What have we done? Members of Casinofacts had a party and were found to be drinking. This can not be. Were there any designated drivers? Did any drive home impaired? How irresponsible can they get? How hypocritical? Don't they know that drinking is like gambling. At least Mr. Limo thinks so.

"So whenever I came across pictures of the Anti crowd drinking alcohol and one can only assume they got behind the wheel of their automobiles, Was I so upset. To think I have believed in these people and at one point looked up to them in the highest regard. I thought they had the moral high ground on me."
I suppose if all you can do is grasp at straws to find fault, Limo could have a point... but since Mr. Limo had his own party this past summer and alcohol was served, he or any of his invited guests are not ones who should talk.

I guess Lite and Amstel Light are okay for pro-casino party goers. Keep waving. Flying monkey see, flying monkey do.

Or, you can take this booze cruise to Foxwoods.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hi to my Monkey Friends!

Ask, and you shall receive.

or even better..... brawl at a peace ceremony.

or how about employing a level 3 sex offender? Hey, is he friends with Glenn?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Father Factfinder Speaks

This man calls himself a "reverend" and this is the kind of thing he says when mocking some of the moral decay that surrounds casinos and I would guess gambling in general:

"These things (child sex rings) are happening right now in Middleborough and the other surrounding communities. It is because of the breakdown of the family structure, which leads to a break down in moral fiber. It has nothing to do with anything (a casino)that is proposed for Middleborough."

I am not surprised at his making light of the moral issues. Hey "Reverend," casinos bring more of it. Stop making excuses and supporting the project. Why do you want to bring more decay to Middleborough and the surrounding communities? You, "Reverend," should know that gambling and its addiction "leads to the break down in moral fiber." So whose fault will it be when more of this comes to town?

Thanks Limo for the pics. I didn't know you liked sheep so much.

Reverend: worthy to be revered; entitled to reverence?

As the Kool-Aid Turns - Part 1

In this week's episode, our flying monkey friends flocked to the Middleboro Town Hall for a Halloween Party!

Naturally, a couple of the monkey's over-the-top hero worship manifested itself in both a Gladys Kravitz and Belicose Bumpkin costume! How clever! (Except, let's face it, to have been really clever, they might have attempted to dress up as the TV Gladys or an actual bumpkin.) But no. Naturally, they found inspiration (if one dare stretch the term) for these costumes in both an old photograph and a sad chapter in Middleboro's recent history that apparently (and inexplicably) still consumes pretty much them and only them.

But I must say - who is the man who dressed up as me? I don't recognize him! Love his shoes though! But I will admit I was disappointed to see that the "No Casino" tank top wasn't an exact match. But heck, not everyone can wear spaghetti straps, ain't that right, big guy?

But no matter, certainly this fellow deserves winks for stretching my size 4 shorts and his concept of a joke into a colorful XXL Halloween characature worthy of any drag queen. I am so honored!

And, while I suppose I should be taken aback by our faux 'Bumpkin' and our super-sized 'Gladys' engaging in a smooch, heck, this ain't the bluest State for nothin! Keep reaching for that rainbow, boys!

In other news, I notice our infamous CRAC chairman is still hellbent on ruining what's left of his reputation. Apparently the marshmallows weren't enough. But, one must admit, at least this time Zorro got behind the right 'man'.

Let's all save that one for April, shall we?

But seriously folks, and most importantly, let's hope town officials stamped an R or at least a PG-13 rating on this gala, seeing has how the "Bumpkin" dopleganger affixed a plastic blow-up lamb (and obviously a child's toy) to his crotch in a simulation of beastiality.


Let's pray that if there were little ones present, that they weren't scandalized or confused by this so-called 'adult' behavior.

Otherwise, I sincerely hope our flying monkey friends had a great time at their soiree. Goodness knows, it's not every day you can combine your obsession with a couple of private citizens, beastiality, cross-dressing, and unbridled greed into a night of fun with like-minded friends.

Bumpkin and I are humbled by the obvious flattery. As usual, we never considered for a moment digging as deeply nor as inappropriately as you so typically have for creative ideas ways to express your views on a Middleboro casino.

Another proud moment for your movement indeed.

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Dark Side of the Rainbow - Part Two

This one is for you Gladys.....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Long Suspected, Now Confirmed.

Don't ask. I promised not to tell how my suspicions were confirmed.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Flying Monkey Behavior

This is the reaction that seems to occur every time there is something that offends the flying monkeys.

Some anonymous monkey decided they were so grossly offended by my Romper Room post that they had to send profanity along with their comment as a personal attack. The original post was rejected, but preserved as evidence of FM behavior. I'm glad higher mammals don't act that way.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Monkey's Paw

I know this picture is a little weird, but hey, that is what this site is now being called by the flying monkeys these days. But that is okay. I feel it is a compliment to be noticed by the subjects my posts. I know the offended one who loves to just mention my full name and the organization I belong to on his website is all to insight the other FMs to post their drivel on his forum and the ever FM free for all TOPIX forum. You know, I could do the same to him and post his full name, his business that he has used to promote his agenda, his forum of unfettered verbal abusive comments and even the supposed benign "friends" getting ready to flap some jacks in the name of community unity group. Is it a wonder that such groups would even associate with a person who anonymously accuses individuals as being sexual deviants or predators, thieves, extortionists, liars, etc. would be so offended by such "weird" postings as Romper Room? I am purposefully not mentioning his name, business and group associations, because it is well known to those inside and outside how he has and does behave. Those inside approve of his message. Outside, they don't. He feels the need to expose me, but those inside and outside my associations know better than he. This all just really proves my point that this person just hasn't got a grip on what he is doing to himself.
This all reminds me of The Monkees episode when Peter Tork obtains a monkey's paw thinking that it would be good luck. It turns out to be bad luck and until someone gains it from him, he is forever cursed. Is this the fate of this Flying Monkey? Forever cursed until he can rid himself of his monkey's paw. Alas, it is attached to his arm.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mr. Bond, Is this what you meant...

... when you said, "Let's freeze Ruth's brain,"?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Romper Room

"Romper Stomper Bomper Boo, Tell me tell me tell me do, Magic Mirror tell me today, did all my flying monkey friends have fun at play?"

I see Mike making pancakes. Pay attention to your cars. You do want to be a successful business man someday, don’t you? There is Vickie, our little welcome wagon. You have such a cute cackle on radio. Hal is playing doctor, I see. Hi, Joey. Make sure you and Hal do your homework. You haven't done any since July 28th. Hi Tony, Rickie and Billy. Play and talk nice boys or I’ll have to wash your mouths out with soap. I see Brian. Make sure you brush and floss after eating all those marshmallows. I want to hear a good report from Mr. Dentist. Don’t play with fire children and stay away from C.R.A.C. Hello, Jack, Wayne, Pat, Steve, Marsha and Adam. Thank you for working as a team to bring games like Craps to circle time. I can’t wait to lose my hard earned cash at the tables. And Mimi, it is soooo good to see you. Don’t be shy, just because you’re new. You’ll get used to it in a couple of years. Hi Diane! Are you in Roxbury or Middleborough today? Wally, you are the life of the party. Last but not least, I see Helen. Are you making a CD for a casino showgirl audition?

Thank you for coming to Romper Room. Make sure say “Hi” to all your flying monkey friends who fly by. See you next time on Romper Room.