Monday, September 29, 2008

Monkey's Paw

I know this picture is a little weird, but hey, that is what this site is now being called by the flying monkeys these days. But that is okay. I feel it is a compliment to be noticed by the subjects my posts. I know the offended one who loves to just mention my full name and the organization I belong to on his website is all to insight the other FMs to post their drivel on his forum and the ever FM free for all TOPIX forum. You know, I could do the same to him and post his full name, his business that he has used to promote his agenda, his forum of unfettered verbal abusive comments and even the supposed benign "friends" getting ready to flap some jacks in the name of community unity group. Is it a wonder that such groups would even associate with a person who anonymously accuses individuals as being sexual deviants or predators, thieves, extortionists, liars, etc. would be so offended by such "weird" postings as Romper Room? I am purposefully not mentioning his name, business and group associations, because it is well known to those inside and outside how he has and does behave. Those inside approve of his message. Outside, they don't. He feels the need to expose me, but those inside and outside my associations know better than he. This all just really proves my point that this person just hasn't got a grip on what he is doing to himself.
This all reminds me of The Monkees episode when Peter Tork obtains a monkey's paw thinking that it would be good luck. It turns out to be bad luck and until someone gains it from him, he is forever cursed. Is this the fate of this Flying Monkey? Forever cursed until he can rid himself of his monkey's paw. Alas, it is attached to his arm.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mr. Bond, Is this what you meant...

... when you said, "Let's freeze Ruth's brain,"?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Romper Room

"Romper Stomper Bomper Boo, Tell me tell me tell me do, Magic Mirror tell me today, did all my flying monkey friends have fun at play?"

I see Mike making pancakes. Pay attention to your cars. You do want to be a successful business man someday, don’t you? There is Vickie, our little welcome wagon. You have such a cute cackle on radio. Hal is playing doctor, I see. Hi, Joey. Make sure you and Hal do your homework. You haven't done any since July 28th. Hi Tony, Rickie and Billy. Play and talk nice boys or I’ll have to wash your mouths out with soap. I see Brian. Make sure you brush and floss after eating all those marshmallows. I want to hear a good report from Mr. Dentist. Don’t play with fire children and stay away from C.R.A.C. Hello, Jack, Wayne, Pat, Steve, Marsha and Adam. Thank you for working as a team to bring games like Craps to circle time. I can’t wait to lose my hard earned cash at the tables. And Mimi, it is soooo good to see you. Don’t be shy, just because you’re new. You’ll get used to it in a couple of years. Hi Diane! Are you in Roxbury or Middleborough today? Wally, you are the life of the party. Last but not least, I see Helen. Are you making a CD for a casino showgirl audition?

Thank you for coming to Romper Room. Make sure say “Hi” to all your flying monkey friends who fly by. See you next time on Romper Room.