Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Father Factfinder Speaks

This man calls himself a "reverend" and this is the kind of thing he says when mocking some of the moral decay that surrounds casinos and I would guess gambling in general:

"These things (child sex rings) are happening right now in Middleborough and the other surrounding communities. It is because of the breakdown of the family structure, which leads to a break down in moral fiber. It has nothing to do with anything (a casino)that is proposed for Middleborough."

I am not surprised at his making light of the moral issues. Hey "Reverend," casinos bring more of it. Stop making excuses and supporting the project. Why do you want to bring more decay to Middleborough and the surrounding communities? You, "Reverend," should know that gambling and its addiction "leads to the break down in moral fiber." So whose fault will it be when more of this comes to town?

Thanks Limo for the pics. I didn't know you liked sheep so much.

Reverend: worthy to be revered; entitled to reverence?


carverchick said...

How shocking...this coming from a guy who also believes that water flows uphill to Carver.

Middleboro Friends proud they must all be - preserving that moral fiber and all.

Gladys Kravitz said...

You know, I remember a night back in 2007 when FFF, before turning to the dark side, responded to a comment about kids in casinos with a shake of his head. He didn't like the idea at all. You could see it troubled him. But, he remarked, there was an R next to his name and he felt people should be able to do what they wanted with their kids.

So exactly what the hell kind of R is that? Heck - I know a lot of R's and unlike FFF, they're quite competent enough to be able to read a moral compass - and none of them even do part-time reverend work on the side.

Oops - here comes another house lien.

Carl said...

Repugnant, Rancid, Rambler, Reprehensible, Ruminant, Ridiculous, Roach, Rabid, Rhea, Revolting, Regressive ...

Anonymous said...

FF must like the tase of his own foot. Chairman of the Caino, Resort Impact Comittee??? I wish just one person on the pro side would acknowledge that there will be problems like this stemming from the casino, plus corruption, organized crime, prostitution, drugs, addiction, suicide, loss of property value, white collar crime, drunk driving, the list goes on. It has been seen time and time again. These things don't necessarily happen at the casino, they happen AROUND the casino. I am worried about what Middleborough will look like in 20 years, when my kids have kids. The headlines will read "Middleboro's Run Down Bingo Hall Attracts Worst Elemet in Society" After the BOS pays off the town emloyee unions, the money will be spent and those residents still living in the area will be left with the fallout. AB and FF will be long gone. No matter what their original intentions may have been, they have all turned into shameless casino cheer leaders. Wht I can't figure out is WHY????????

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim,

It was Connie that said water flows up hill in her letter to the BIA.

And her testimony about the 1.5 Million gallons per day was wrong too. I cannot fault you even though you live together.

Nor the letter from the Carver Conservation Commission that stated that the discharge from the facility could impact the Plymouth Carver Aquifer

Kim, If you are as smart as you say you are then look at those statements and comment to fix them unless you believe them yourself.

carverchick said...

Hey anonymous,

It was factfinder who insisted that Carver water would not be impacted by the casino project because water doesn't flow uphill to Carver as a dig to me. In fact, he has stated that a few times on your...errr...Limos forum. That is what I am refering to. As far as the letter from the Carver Concom, there is no error there. Middleboro sits on part of the Plymouth Carver aquifer and anyone who can read a permit can see that Middleboro is not going to be able to supply up to 1.5 MGPD peak to the casino and expect to supply water for future growth. They will need to put in more wells and the concern is that Middleboro may take water from the Plymouth Carver aquifer -- which will affect....Carver. Now, normally that wouldn't be a concern for Carver or other towns but considering the lack of concern for water issues Middleboro has shown over the last year in regards to the casino, the statement made in that letter was well founded. BTW -- it is not our responsibility to answer questions - we ask is the investors and the Tribe's responsibility to answer our concerns, not NA them. But hey, that is another issue that will be dealt with at the next public EIS hearing.

Oh, and I don't live with a woman so I am not sure which Connie you are refering to. If you are talking about my husband, then his letter was quite accurate. He states that the tribe can take up to 1.5 MGPD of water plus put private water wells on their sovereign land -- which according to the IGA, they can. Go read it. And if you are saying my Connie wrote that water flows uphill in his letter to the BIA you had better go back and read it again...he doesn't say that anywhere - I have it in front of me. So, anonymous, perhaps it is you who needs to relook at those statements and comment to correct them...that is, if you are as smart as you think you are.

I won't hold my breath waiting for an answer.

carverchick said...

Oh, and one more thing anonymous....the reference that discharge from the casino could affect the Plymouth Carver aquifer stems from the concern of too much pavement and stormwater runoff, which has the potential to pollute groundwater....groundwater that has the potential to flow to Carver -- which is downhill from Middleboro. Since there is no pesky bedrock here in SE Massachusetts to hold water in a particular watershed area, there is an actual concern that any water pollution coming from the casino project could affect the quality of water in the Plymouth Carver sole source aquifer. If that water becomes polluted from such an irresponsible project, thousands and thousands of people will be DIRECTLY IMPACTED. So pardon the hell out of the Carver Concom for actually being concerned about the only source of clean water for people who live in this area.

But isn't our responsibility to say water will or won't be is our right to ASK THE QUESTION - TO RAISE THE CONCERN. Again, its the investors and Tribe's responsibility to prove that it won't...prove it through actual geological studies and not just saying that it won't.

So, please don't diss the Carver concom for asking the questions that the CRAC committee expert environmentalist and so called leader didn't -- but should have.

But I guess he just figured pollution is already happening in Middleborough and the other surrounding communities. It is because of the breakdown of moral fiber that normally would have peoople concerned about the environment and has nothing to do with anything (a casino) that is proposed for Middleborough.

Gladys Kravitz said...


You lost him at ConCom.

Anyone who goes out in public with a plastic sheep stuck to his privates isn't exactly what you call a deep thinker.

He is obviously having another one of his "episodes", possibly triggered by the need to take attention away from the sheep and focus it on to you.

Say the magic words and maybe he'll go away.

Ba Ram Ewe...
Ba Ram Ewe...


carverchick said...

Ba Ram Ewe
Ba Ram Ewe

.....aahhh....better. Thanks Gladys!

Carl said...

To your clan and fleece be true
Ba Ram Ewe

I'm surprised he got in here in the first place. It didn't take long for him to trip over himself.

FFF's CRAC committee made a submission to the BIA with concerns that are noted by the BIA as real concerns. I have a copy right in front of me. Oh... I forgot FFF didn't submit them, he decided not to because he isn't really concerned. Sooo... we submitted them for him and his CRACker Jack committee. Water isn't the only thing that goes down hill.

Anonymous said...

You guys are just too funny!!
Don't be disrespectful toward your next joke of a Selectman! And he'll fit in just great on the end of the table -- he can give Duphily the answers.