Oh dear! What have we done? Members of Casinofacts had a party and were found to be drinking. This can not be. Were there any designated drivers? Did any drive home impaired? How irresponsible can they get? How hypocritical? Don't they know that drinking is like gambling. At least Mr. Limo thinks so.
"So whenever I came across pictures of the Anti crowd drinking alcohol and one can only assume they got behind the wheel of their automobiles, Was I so upset. To think I have believed in these people and at one point looked up to them in the highest regard. I thought they had the moral high ground on me."
I suppose if all you can do is grasp at straws to find fault, Limo could have a point... but since Mr. Limo had his own party this past summer and alcohol was served, he or any of his invited guests are not ones who should talk.
I guess Lite and Amstel Light are okay for pro-casino party goers. Keep waving. Flying monkey see, flying monkey do.
Or, you can take this booze cruise to Foxwoods.
Yes. I remember this individual thought so highly of me he once threatened my life. He still maintains a web site url with my name. He offered a cash equivalent prize to anyone who could photoshop an unflattering or embarrassing picture of me. He called me a liar, for stating a well-documented fact, in front of an official delegation from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He had a transgender friend dress exactly as I was from a photo. And he himself went out to a highly public event at Middleboro Town hall with a plastic sheep attached to his crotch in order to insinuate that an anti-casino blogger was into bestiality.
And he expresses disgust...
He has not changed since the begining and only makes up past history to try and look good. I wonder how long it will take for him to notice and then change his website? He is a limo drive-by sadist. He delights in cruelty to others.
His site has already deleted his CFO drinking comments. Didn't take long.
Hey Carl, don't look now, but Limo changed his sight again. He changes it more often than his underwear I bet. Sorry, wrong word. I shouldn't use "bet" around here.
"I can't understand your arguments..."
Maybe you would if you took your head out of your exhaust pipe, Mikey.
All I can say to this is....whatever. I love how he assumes we all got tanked and then got behind the wheel and drove around town. Then again, he assumes we are lying racist indian haters too because we challenge the Mashpee's claims to their history and consistently show why they will not get the land in Middleboro for a casino.
What a bleeping moron.
baa ram ewe...
Baa ram ewe...
I love the way Limo deflects his own actions by falsely accusing others (only others he hates) of things that never happened. His latest rant, "Did you know I supplied transportation for my guests," so it's okay. He doesn't know all that went on because neither he nor any of his winged friends were there. Attack, attack, attack. That is all they know. If we dare strike back in self-defense, we are the bad ones. Like CC said, "What a bleeping moron."
Hey CC. Limo does "research too," finding more blow up sheep.
Ba ram ewe...
Anon 8:36
To your fleece and clan be true, Baa Ram Ewe!
Anon. 8:36, all I can say about this recent attack is that people who live in glass houses are really the last ones who should be throwing stones. I'll leave it at that for now.
Now that the hoopla and hypocritical rants have died down. The only doctoring of any photos was only the last to keep any children of adult participants out of the picture. All other aspects of the photos are the original supplied off of the internet duly noted as from where they came. All adult beverage containers and the rest are real and un-touched in those photos.
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