Thursday, September 18, 2008

Romper Room

"Romper Stomper Bomper Boo, Tell me tell me tell me do, Magic Mirror tell me today, did all my flying monkey friends have fun at play?"

I see Mike making pancakes. Pay attention to your cars. You do want to be a successful business man someday, don’t you? There is Vickie, our little welcome wagon. You have such a cute cackle on radio. Hal is playing doctor, I see. Hi, Joey. Make sure you and Hal do your homework. You haven't done any since July 28th. Hi Tony, Rickie and Billy. Play and talk nice boys or I’ll have to wash your mouths out with soap. I see Brian. Make sure you brush and floss after eating all those marshmallows. I want to hear a good report from Mr. Dentist. Don’t play with fire children and stay away from C.R.A.C. Hello, Jack, Wayne, Pat, Steve, Marsha and Adam. Thank you for working as a team to bring games like Craps to circle time. I can’t wait to lose my hard earned cash at the tables. And Mimi, it is soooo good to see you. Don’t be shy, just because you’re new. You’ll get used to it in a couple of years. Hi Diane! Are you in Roxbury or Middleborough today? Wally, you are the life of the party. Last but not least, I see Helen. Are you making a CD for a casino showgirl audition?

Thank you for coming to Romper Room. Make sure say “Hi” to all your flying monkey friends who fly by. See you next time on Romper Room.


Anonymous said...

You are too, too funny. Might as well get a good laugh while we ride out the last few waves. At least you're creative in your humor, unlike some pathetically nasty Topix flying monkeys. What a bunch of throw backs. Darwin's theory gone awry.

Mikey flipping pancakes? What a good Romper Room do-bee! But no thanks. I'll stick with my Carnation Instant breakfast and Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and Grover re-runs that morning.

Anonymous said...

OMG, a flap-jacking Magilla Gorilla! Man, he must have some wing spread to get him air born. Bet he sprinkles Boo-Berries in his batter.

Remember Romper Room kiddies, Miss Sally says, "Do Be a 'Do Bee'. Don't Be a 'Don't -Bee'."

Now everybody, all together:

"I always do everything right.
I never do anything wrong.
I'm a Romper Room Do Bee;
A Do Bee all day long!"

Anonymous said...

Tony, Rickie, and Wally don't get their gold stars today! I see them over in the corner making spit balls.

Gladys Kravitz said...

Carl, you have such a way of putting these continual monkeyshines into proper perpective!

Pre-schoolers make a good analogy - except of course that pre-schoolers are pure of heart.

drive-by said...

I think the flying monkeys have morphed into gruesome gargoyles. What can we expect from them when they wake up one morning to hear the news "BIA rejects LIT...NO CASINO!"....Collective pro meltdown? Oh boy, they really will regress back to their Romper Room days. We will have to hire Miss Jessie to re-program them into good do-bees.

drive-by said...

Mr. Moose, Mr. Green Jeans, and Bunny Rabbit have asked me to ban the RRG (Romper Room Group)from the Treasure House. Mighty Manford was a hold out, but we fired HB as his therapist and hired Dr. Ruth as his replacement.

Carl said...

A FM Speaks:

"F*** you Carl!!!"

Nice comment that could not be displayed in its entirety for the obvious reasons. This is the mentality we are dealing with.