Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hi to my Monkey Friends!

Ask, and you shall receive.

or even better..... brawl at a peace ceremony.

or how about employing a level 3 sex offender? Hey, is he friends with Glenn?


Gladys Kravitz said...

No CC! You're wrong!! It's a much worse and terrible offense that a person might pick up an abandoned turkey feather on a bike trail, or describe someone's winter coat as being a shade of "Lipstick red"!!

Get thee to the stocks!! For thou art accursed in the eye of all that is topix and flying and monkey!

For these, and not some playful Mashpee foibles, are the true offenses to mankind!

And for you to suggest that the noble modern day Mashpee, under the gracious auspices of the honorable Glenn Marshall and gentle Sean Hendricks, who walk amongst us as, exalted saints, magnificent in their irreproachable sovereign glory, incapable of the illegal or the untoward, magnanimously spreading the wealth and wonder that are golden shining mega resort casinos amidst us - we the unworthy rabble that humbly beg their indulgence... why, CC, it's nothing less than heresy.

Keep it up.


Carl said...

Aren't these the same types that were no shows at the start of lacrosse season, the release of the red-bellied cooter or a casino debate? Well, good thing. The last thing we need are some fights breaking out amongst our youth, dead endangered species or brawls involving them and the IBEW.

I'm sure the next peaceful event they attend will involve more marshmallows. :D

Gladys Kravitz said...

And plastic sheep!